Largest feet on a living person (male)
Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernández
40.57 centimetre(s)
委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 (Maracay)

The largest feet on a living person are 40.55 cm (1 ft 3.96 in) right foot, and 40.47 cm (1 ft 3.93 in) left foot, belong to Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernández (Venezuela), and were measured in Parc Saint Paul, Beauvais, France, on 3 June 2018.

Jeison Rodriguez is 22 years old. He lives in Maracay with his family. He needs specially large shoes that are made just for him in Germany. According to cordwainer Georg Wessels, who makes bespoke shoes for giants around the world, Jeison needs a European size-69 shoe!