Fastest aggregate time to run a marathon and ultra marathon on each continent
Ziyad Tariq Rahim
87:07:13 hour(s), minute(s), second(s)
南非 ()
The fastest aggregate time to run a marathon and ultra marathon on each continent is 87 hr, 7 min and 13 sec and was achieved by Ziyad Tariq Rahim (Pakistan) from 26 January to 8 March 2014. The race details of the seven marathons and seven ultra marathons he ran are as follows:

Marathon 1 - Punta Arenas Marathon, Chile, South America, 26/02/13 - 5:38.09

Marathon 2 - White Continent Marathon, King George Island, Antarctica, 27/02/13 - 5:56.58

Marathon 3 - Cyprus Marathon, Cyprus, Europe, 10/03/13 - 4:46.45

Marathon 4 - Los Angeles Marathon, USA, North America, 17/03/13 - 5:02.52

Marathon 5 - DUAL Trial Marathon, New Zealand, Australasia, 23/03/13 - 5:59.14

Marathon 6 - Two Oceans Marathon, South Africa, Africa, 30/03/13 - 6:49.59

Marathon 7 - Dead Sea Marathon, Jordan, Asia, 05/04/13 - 4:32.53

Ultra marathon 1 - White Continent 50K, King George Island, Antarctica, 26/01/14 - 7:01:26

Ultra marathon 2 - Punta Arenas 50K, Chile, South America, 30/01/14 - 6:57:28

Ultra marathon 3 - Wadi Bih Solo Canyon 50K, Oman, Asia, 07/02/14 - 6:55:00

Ultra marathon 4 - Moonlight Challenge 2014 50K, UK, Europe, 15/02/14 - 7:41:23

Ultra marathon 5 - Coburg 50K, Australia, Australasia, 23/02/14 - 6:34:48

Ultra marathon 6 - Caumsett State Park 50K, USA, North America, 02/03/14 - 6:46:38

Ultra marathon 7 - Louis Massyn Aldam Ultra Marathon 50K, South Africa, Africa, 08/03/14 - 6:23:40

Ziyad also holds the record for 'Fastest time to run a marathon and ultra marathon on each continent' with a time of 1 year, 9 days, 22 hours, 20 minutes and 40 seconds.