Largest circuit training lesson (single venue)
Guy Leech
2061 people
澳大利亚 (Melbourne)
The largest circuit class was achieved by Guy Leech Fitness and Woolworths (both Australia) with 2,061 participants. The event took place in Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 31 July 2013. A total of 2076 people entered, but witnesses counted out 15 people that were not participating properly. There were 10 groups of roughly 200 people each and 10 exercise stations, each with its own instructor. The actual exercise sessions (not including breaks) went for about 3 mins 15 seconds each. Groups rotated between the stations until they had done 10 sessions each. The event was held during a major Woolworths conference that brought managers together, mainly from around Australia and New Zealand. The intention was to promote the new staff wellbeing program called 'All Good'.